
About Ifised

Platform features

The school management system to simplify your work

Ifised is an easy to use cloud-based school management system developed for educators in Africa. The platform has an app for parents and teachers as well as web-based system for managers.

Student information

Gather all student and parent information in one searchable place.


Record all school finance data including fees and expenses.


Take attendance of students and send SMS notifications to parents.


Publish class timetable and management, staff and parents see it.


Publish grades of students and inform parents via SMS notifications.


Record student discipline and inform parents via SMS notifications.


Publish class assignments and enable parents to download from the app.


Send school-wide or specific class announcements.


Record staff attendance, discipline and give acces to the app.


Access reports of all data input into the system and print in PDF format.

Download data

Download all school data in Excel format and save it in your own computer.

Mobile apps

Use the Ifised system as an app on your phone or from your computer.

Parent access

Give parents access to the app to see the records of their children.

Teacher access

Give teachers access to the app to manage their classes and subjects.